I made my second appearance at the monthly Downtown LA Artwalk this past Thursday. If you don't know much about it, let me tell you. There are several blocks in Downtwon LA (I think its around 3rd and Spring through 8th and Spring) that are soley dedicated to displaying Artist's work and talent. The vibe and energy is very eclectic. You have your Pro Mecha Latinos (Go MALDEF), your Rastafarian brothers and sisters, your Hipsters, and everything in between. I Love it. I'm amazed at people's talent since all I can do is draw stick figures and even those look horrible. As you walk down the streets of LA, feel free to pop into one of the many and I say many new bars that have materialized out of no where, grab a bite because you will work up an apetite, or simply feel free to eat a Hepatitis Dog. That is what they're called right?
Anyway, I fell in LOVE with two pieces. I wanted to yank them off the wall and run with them but what would the Artist say about that? Hmm.... Best to just admire them for now.
I'm in Love with LA. It is very dear to my heart. I make no joke when I profess the late Tupac's same sentiment of "Live and Die in LA". When I saw this piece, I said, I have to have it. Its everything! My youth, my struggles, the streets, Life, LA. This has so much meaning to me. LA, I will never abandon you.
Artist: Taylor Scott Dunfee |
This piece left me completely speechless. Jaw dropping speechless. If you can see, the words next to the heart read, "Its so Simple". Really? Is it? For those who know me, and I mean, really know me will realize how much meaning this has to me and can even picture how I must of looked standing in front of this piece just gawking at it. I almost wanted to cry, no joke. She's me. I'm her. Simple? Ha! Everything but simple. The Heart. Emotinally. Physically. Mentally. Enough said. I'll leave it to your own interpretation.
Check out the ArtWalk. Here's a link with more info.
Posted by Meli, Adventures In All things Beautiful