Friday, December 2, 2011

Tic Toc Tic Toc

Time's a wastin!

Besides the fact that I love watches, my latest tortoiseshell MK watch is not what this post is about. Maybe its because we're reaching the end of 2011 but I seem to be thinking alot more recently about how time is literally just slipping by. Its as if someone left the water faucet on and time is just going down the drain. I try to maximize most of it and live everyday doing something that truly makes me content. But I always feel a void in my heart at the end of the day wanting more and wishing the clock had just a couple of more hours to spare.

I want to say that ever since my 21st birthday, the last ten years have just zoomed by. I have no regrets for what I did and did not do in the past decade (well, maybe some). You can only live in the present so the present is what I'm focusing on. Yet, this present of mine, as aware as I am of all my needs and wants, is still prooving difficult to get it all done, the daily to do lists, the grocery shopping list, the bucket list, etc etc... As my friend Tish would say, so much "ish" to do and not enough time.

How sad, at least for me, that its pitch dark outside by 5 p.m. I really dislike Daylight Savings Time. It makes me ponder over this issue with time even more. Because, you better believe that after working an 8 hr shift, commuting for almost 2 hrs, all I want to do is nothing. So, before I leave work, I leave fully prepared with my daily to do list, jotten down on a post it note, and set out to conquer my present.

I wish I could fix that leak and hold onto this precious moment for just a bit longer.

Posted by Meli, Adventures In All things Beautiful