Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man

I watched this movie Sunday night. Apparently, it was #1 on the Box Office for about 3 weeks. Coincidentally, today, I received an email for my Nook with today's pick. To my surprise, it was  the book that this movie is based on. I purchased it because for $1.99, I can definitely use some good laughs but also, peek into the Male's mind.

Whether you believe any of this silliness, "Rules", that's up to you. I find them interesting. I believe that we all play mind games and live by certain "rules". As much as we say we don't, we're guilty of it. I am. 

I started thinking about my own life and if I live by any of these rules described in the book and if they really work or help you get what you want out of life? If women started to think like Men, would that help us or hinder us? I'm going to say that the reason why I am truly happy at this moment in my life is because I have taken a walk on the dark side. I have started to think about things differently and some of it dangerously mirrors a male's perspective. Small example. I had a dream two nights ago that I was married. I don't want a relationship at this moment in life. I don't see myself wanting one any time soon, and soon is like 100 years from now, I don't see marriage as I once did, like a lady. So instead of waking up with a big grin on my face, the "nightmare" literally woke me up in a panic. Typical dude. Petrified of commitment.

Without divulging too much of the movie or book which I must read, ask yourself, if you acted like a lady, but thought like a man, where would that get you? Do you think your life would be easier and if so, how?

Would you advance in your career more? Statistically, dudes get paid more for doing the same job. Would you have more non committed relationship and be considered a stud over a whore? So many possibilities to think about.

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