Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I watched this movie two nights ago and it got me thinking alot. If you don't know what this movie is about, the plot is basically Joseph Gordon-Levitt  finds out he has cancer and the movie takes him through his journey battling the disease.

A special  scene stands out in my mind vividly. Joseph Gordon-Levitt walks Seth Rogan (his bff) to his apartment after a night of drinking. Seth passes out on the couch while Joseph Gordon-Levitt goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom, he finds a book Seth's been reading, "Fighting Cancer Together".

Given the worst news of your life, a 50/50 survival rate, common feelings would be fear, sadness and anger. I don't blame the guy. I'd feel (have felt) the same way. People deal with these feeling very differently. Its easy to self indulge, wallow, feel sorry for yourself, throw tantrums, lash out, and even isolate yourself. What this movie did for me was think about the other people whom your disease affects. Your parents, siblings, friends, spouse, and countless others. They too have to go through this journey with you. They feel scared too, they get frustrated with the situation, they get tired.

When battling a difficult situation, you get so absorbed in how all this is affecting you but next time you're sick, or going through a difficult time, think about the people around you as well. They too are suffering with you and are trying their best to help you cope while trying to keep themselves together at the same time.

If you haven't seen this movie, give it a try. It will open up your eyes to a different perspective in coping through a difficult situation from the outside in.

I gave it two thumbs up.

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